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Water Crisis Grips Hamirpur City as Floods Disrupt Supply; Officials Remain Unresponsive  Residents Forced to Rely on Unverified Private Water Tankers, Health Concerns Mount

Vishal Rana/ Hamirpur
 The citizens of Hamirpur City are grappling with an acute water crisis as heavy floods in the Beas river have severely affected water supply schemes. For the past six days, residents have been deprived of regular water supply, with no relief in sight. The situation has been exacerbated by the apparent negligence of officials, who have failed to respond satisfactorily to the desperate pleas for assistance.
The floods, which have ravaged the region, have rendered water supply schemes inoperable, leaving thousands of residents without access to clean and safe drinking water. The plight of the city’s inhabitants is worsened by the authorities’ unresponsiveness, as repeated attempts to contact officials have gone unanswered.
Adding to the distress, private water tankers have taken advantage of the dire circumstances, exploiting the vulnerability of the situation. These unverified tankers are selling water at exorbitant prices ranging from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000, leaving residents with no choice but to pay the exorbitant amounts. However, the quality and safety of the water supplied by these private tankers remain untested, raising concerns about potential health risks for those relying on this source.
In a twist of irony, Hamirpur City happens to be the home district of the Chief Minister, intensifying the urgency for immediate action. With the Chief Minister’s own district headquarter at the epicenter of this water crisis, citizens express their disappointment and frustration over the lack of attention and prompt resolution from the authorities.
The absence of a functional water supply system for such an extended period has given rise to serious health concerns among the residents. Inadequate access to clean water jeopardizes not only hydration but also hygiene, sanitation, and overall well-being. The situation calls for urgent intervention from the concerned authorities to mitigate the distress faced by the citizens.
As the water crisis continues unabated, the residents of Hamirpur City eagerly await swift action from the officials responsible for addressing this issue. They hope that immediate measures will be taken to restore regular water supply and provide necessary assistance to the affected population.