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Himachal Pradesh Passes Bill to Raise Legal Marriage Age for Girls to 21 Years

Vishal Rana, Hamirpur

In a significant move towards women’s empowerment, Himachal Pradesh is on the verge of raising the minimum legal age for marriage for girls to 21 years. The state assembly has successfully passed the bill, but it now awaits the governor’s approval before becoming law.

The Himachal Pradesh Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2024 was introduced during the ongoing Monsoon Session by Health, Social Justice, and Empowerment Minister, Dhaniram Shandil. The bill was passed unanimously without any debate, reflecting a strong consensus among the lawmakers. Currently, the legal age for marriage for girls in the state is 18 years, and this bill seeks to increase it by three years.

The revised draft of the bill had already been approved by the state cabinet seven months ago. Today, the amendment was officially passed in the assembly, marking a crucial step towards its implementation.

“A Step Towards Better Opportunities for Girls”

Minister Dhaniram Shandil emphasized that raising the marriage age would provide girls with better opportunities to advance in life. He pointed out that early marriages often hinder children’s education and overall development. The government’s intention behind this amendment is not only to protect young girls from malnutrition and health issues arising from early pregnancies but also to ensure they have the chance to pursue their careers successfully.

The bill had been introduced during the Budget Session but wasn’t passed at that time. A committee was formed to review and refine the draft, resulting in several key provisions being corrected. The bill will now be sent to the Law Department and subsequently to the governor for approval. Given that marriage laws are a joint subject between the central and state governments, it might also be reviewed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment at the central level, with legal experts weighing in on the matter.

The passage of this bill by the Himachal Pradesh Assembly is a significant stride towards gender equality and the empowerment of young women. By potentially raising the legal marriage age, the state is setting a precedent that prioritizes the health, education, and future of its girls, ensuring they have the freedom and opportunity to build better lives for themselves. The final nod from the governor will bring this landmark change into effect, marking a new chapter in the state’s commitment to social justice.
