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Hamirpur to Establish Comprehensive Bylaws for PGs: Ensuring Safety and Standards

Deputy Commissioner Amarjit Singh directs the formation of bylaws to regulate paying guest accommodations in Hamirpur and Sujanpur, emphasizing safety and compliance.

Vishal Rana, Hamirpur

: In a significant move towards ensuring the safety and well-being of students residing in paying guest accommodations (PGs) and private hostels in Hamirpur and Sujanpur, Deputy Commissioner Amarjit Singh convened a high-level meeting on Wednesday. The meeting included district administrative officials, the municipal councils of Hamirpur and Sujanpur, and representatives from the TCP Department, police, food safety, tourism, and state tax and excise departments.

During the discussion, the Deputy Commissioner highlighted Hamirpur’s status as a growing educational hub in Himachal Pradesh, currently hosting 33 operational PGs under the jurisdiction of the local municipal council. These PGs cater to students from across the state, providing them with essential lodging and food services. However, to enhance student safety, provide a conducive study environment, and monitor PG operations, there is a pressing need for comprehensive rules and regulations.

Amarjit Singh directed the municipal council officials to collaborate with relevant departments—TCP, police, food safety, tourism, and PG operators—to swiftly draft detailed bylaws. These regulations will be implemented across all PGs to ensure adequate safety measures and necessary amenities for students. He also emphasized the importance of establishing a clear registration process for PGs, which should involve mandatory inspections and approvals from the police, fire department, municipal council, TCP, food safety, and other concerned departments.

The Deputy Commissioner expressed that Hamirpur could lead the way by setting a precedent with the formulation of these bylaws, which would comprehensively cover all aspects of student safety, essential facilities, and a conducive study environment.

The meeting also saw valuable inputs from ADM Rahul Chauhan, Assistant Commissioner Pawan Sharma, DSP, and other officials from the municipal council, TCP, and related departments.

This initiative marks a significant step towards regulating PG accommodations in Hamirpur, ensuring that students not only have a safe place to stay but also an environment conducive to their academic growth. The collaboration between various departments reflects a committed effort to create a standardized, secure, and supportive environment for all students residing in PGs across the district.

